Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

If you would like to discuss your child’s Special Educational need or disability please email the Special Educational Needs Coordinator at senco@jph.srscmat.co.uk or phone the school office and ask to speak to the SENCo.

For further information about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’ here at St. Joseph’s please see the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy and SEND information report.

SEND Policy SRS 2024

Accessibility Policy And Plan SRS 2022

Accessibility Plan JPH Sep 2022

What to do if you have concerns about your child’s progress flowchart

Derby City SEND Offer
Information regarding the local offer for our local authority.

Derby Information and Advice Support Service
Impartial information and advice to parents, carers and young people in Derby City.

Information and Resources

Derby City Council have published their transition guidance document for parents with children, with SEND, going from Year 6 into Year 7. Please take a read as you may find some useful hints and advice to support your child at home.


What is an EHCP?

An EHC plan is a legal document that describes a child or young person’s special educational, health and social care needs. It explains the extra help that will be given to meet those needs and how that help will support the child or young person to achieve what they want to in their life.

Who can apply for an EHCP?

An EHCP can be applied for by the child’s school, their parents, or the young person him or herself if he/she is aged between 16 and 25.

How long does it take to get an EHCP?

The local authority guidelines are to complete the assessment within 16 weeks and, if it decides to issue an EHCP, do so within 20 weeks of the original request.

Helpful Documents

Threshold document.docx
EHCP – Parent request for assessment.docx
Guidance on completing an EHCP request.docx

What is Attachment Disorder?

Attachment disorder (AD) arises when a child under the age of three suffers an early life trauma like abuse, separation from a parent, or illness. They miss out on the love, comfort and nurturing that they need, and fail to form normal loving relationships with their primary carers. This is turn can delay their cognitive and social development, affecting their behaviours and their ability to form relationships later in life.

AD is just one strand of Developmental Trauma Disorder (DTD), which covers all issues and developmental problems resulting from early life trauma, including attachment disorder.

There can be an assumption that AD is only associated with adopted children or children in care. While there is a strong correlation, many other children without this background are affected.

Children with attachment disorders are often misdiagnosed as many of the characteristics are also seen in conditions like autism, ODD and ADHD.

The long-term impact is hard to predict as children have different levels of resilience to trauma in the womb or neglect after birth. However, the overall prognosis is good; children can fully recover from AD with the correct care and attention.

Causes of Attachment Disorder

If, during the first three years of their life, any of the following occur, children are at risk of attachment disorders:

  • Mother smoked, drank alcohol or took drugs during pregnancy.
  • They are the result of an unwanted pregnancy.
  • They suffer physical, emotional or sexual abuse.
  • They have been neglected. This can be anything from not having a nappy changed when it is dirty to not being fed when hungry.
  • Their primary carer suffers from depression.
  • They were separated from their primary carer through the illness or death of a parent, or through being taken into care.
  • They suffer from persistent and chronic pain.
  • Their primary carers split up or divorce.
  • Inconsistent parenting.
  • They are raised in an emotionally empty or negative/abusive environment.

Signs of Attachment Disorder

Children who have experienced early trauma develop strategies or behaviours to help them to survive. These may include:

  • Lack of expectation of care and comfort, known as the inhibited form of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
  • Inappropriately affectionate and familiar towards strangers, known as the disinhibited form of Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)
  • Become distressed when separated from carer but also resist contact when the carer returns. Known as anxious-ambivalent attachment.
  • Poor eye contact.
  • Difficulty showing affection. An aversion to touch and physical affection.
  • Overly demanding or clingy.
  • Lack of cause/effect thinking.
  • Problems controlling and expressing anger, sometimes violent.
  • A need to be in control.
  • Erratic eating habits.
  • Failure to show remorse or regret after behaving badly.
  • Abnormally sociable or superficially charming.
  • Tell lies or steal
  • Ask persistent nonsense questions or incessant chatter
  • Pseudo maturity
  • Low self-esteem

What Is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty that can cause problems with reading, writing and spelling.

It’s a specific learning difficulty, which means it causes problems with certain abilities used for learning, such as reading and writing.

Unlike a learning disability, intelligence isn’t affected.

It’s estimated up to 1 in every 10 people in the UK has some degree of dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a lifelong problem that can present challenges on a daily basis, but support is available to improve reading and writing skills and help those with the problem be successful at school and work.

British Dyslexia Association
Information, advice and services

Dyslexia explained
Video about Dyslexia

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In light of the recent school closures, I have put together some helpful links and advice to support our SEND pupils whilst they are at home. I hope you find this useful.

If you need any more support please do not hesitate to email me: ajohnstone@stjosephs.derby.sch.uk

Supporting children with SEND at home

Talk to people
You could talk to people at home, speak to your friends online or to Childline. Talking about what’s happening and how you’re feeling can help you realise you’re not alone.

  • Make time for yourself

Take time every day to do something that helps you to feel good or proud. If you’re not sure what to do, use the Calm Zone (on the ChildLine website) for ideas and tools to help you relax.

  • Keep busy

Being stuck at home can be boring and stressful sometimes, especially if you don’t get on with your family. Staying busy with things like schoolwork or hobbies can help you cope.

  • Look after your health

Try to exercise if you can, and make sure you’re eating healthily and getting plenty of sleep.

  • running and jumping games
  • play in sand pit and with wet sand
  • bounce on a space hopper
  • skipping
  • jumping onto a crash mat
  • jumping on a trampoline
  • bouncing on an exercise ball
  • go for a run
  • star jumps
  • step ups (use bottom step on the stairs)

Speech Link Parent Access – Speech link are offering a free subscription for parents to support their child at home.

  • roll your child tightly into a towel or blanket
  • bear hugs
  • firm towel rub after bath/shower
  • sit with a pillow/weighted blanket on shoulders or lap or fidget toys
  • chewy tubs, chewing gum, gummy bears
  • blowing bubbles
  • swing in a hammock (provides a rhythmic pattern)
  • provide a small box/tent with blankets or cushions for your child to squeeze into to calm and provide a safe space for them.
  • roll on an exercise ball backwards and forwards in a rhythmic pattern to calm
  • Pilates plank