Parish Community

St Joseph’s Catholic Voluntary Academy has strong links with two local parishes, St Joseph’s next-door and Our Lady of Lourdes in Mickleover.

Children visit both churches regularly. Children lead the Friday 9.30am Mass at St Joseph’s each week, the school chaplains and school choir take an active role in the Sunday worship at both Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph’s throughout the year, and groups of students participate in parish events such as Parish Feast Days, Christmas Carol Services and May Crownings.

Our parishes are served by a ministry team of Fr Jonathan (also our school chair of governors), Deacon Richard (also a governor), Deacon Keith, Sister Helen UMI, Sr Sneha UMI and Sr Vineeta UMI. We are blessed that our clergy and sisters are present in school every week, and often multiple times in the week.

Sunday Masses in our churches are as follows:

Our Lady of Lourdes: 6.00pm (Sat), 8.00am and 9.30am

St Joseph’s: 11.00am


You can find out more about our parishes by visiting their websites and and signing up to their e-newsletter