
At St Joseph’s Geography is taught through themed Topic Weeks, which link directly to other areas of the curriculum in order to provide a clear context for children to place their learning within.

It is our aim to provide the diverse children in our care with broad, balanced and personalised curriculum content, centred on our desire to develop every individual’s sense of belonging and place in the world. 

Well-chosen themes aim to inspire our children’s curiosity, encouraging them to participate fully in their own learning journey through an enquiry-based approach which promotes critical thinking and investigative learning – centred on finding the solution to a Big Question. 

Bringing learning to life is key to a successful Geography curriculum. School trips, visitors and the use of a range of resources  allows our children to understand the theme they are studying. 

Through focused Geography based weeks, it is our aim to develop children’s knowledge and skills while placing them in the role of  “Geographer”. This enquiry based approach fully involves the children in problem solving, critical thinking and above all, the awe and wonder of the past, present and future of our world. 

It has been proven that revisiting key knowledge and skills promotes a depth of understanding for learners. With this in mind, at St. Joseph’s we have adapted our timetable to allow essential opportunities for revisiting of “key knowledge”. The most important knowledge is outlined for teachers in our progression document for each of the subjects and provides a guide for our teachers of the subject knowledge and skills for their year groups. These progression documents also allow Subject Coordinators and Senior Leaders to carefully and precisely monitor progression, teaching and learning across the school. 

Carefully planned Spiritual Links allow children to think deeply about their learning and its impact on our world . Our faith is at the heart of everything we do, and we believe it is vital to use every opportunity within our curriculum to make links to our children’s journey in faith and Catholic education, thus developing the whole child to grow in faith and love. With such strong links between the core concepts of the Humanities subjects, it is key to link our themes wherever possible to Catholic Social Teachings.

“The Church’s social teachings are all about building a just society and living a life of holiness amidst the many challenges of our modern world.”

Policy Documents

Policy Document Coming Soon

Useful Websites

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