Our DT curriculum is designed to build upon skills with careful mapping across the key stages. The knowledge and skills progression map for Design Technology is organised so that children will revisit and build upon existing skills to make their products in different areas of design. They will be encouraged to design and create structures, mechanisms, textiles, electrical systems and food products. Teachers plan to ensure that the children have access to high quality resources, tools and well stocked materials to enable effective curriculum delivery. Design technology takes place termly consisting of two DT days and a DT week each academic year.
Design technology is taught using the Talk for Writing three I’s approach: Imitation, Innovation and Invention. The imitation phase allows children to learn new technical knowledge and skills. During the innovation phase, the children develop their new learning, whilst applying it in a different context. The final phase is invention where the children can use what they have learned to create something of value. During each phase, the children are encouraged to ensure that the products that they design are suitable to the user, have good functionality and are fit for purpose. These opportunities to evaluate are a key part of their DT learning.
Policy Documents
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